How powerful code is ?

A group of members called Kara who led by the jigen aka ishiki otsutsuki is place where we all saw code for the first time. Code is member of Kara group and highly rated as strongest among them but we never saw him in any action at start. all he was doing just keeping an eye on Ten tails. Code is also a vessel for ishiki otsutsuki at first but he has white unique Karma that has some similarities between normal karma and later kawaki become pure vessel for ishiki otsutsuki. Code is also known for worshipping the otsutsuki as god's and it was ishiki otsutsuki who gave code purpose for his life to live as an otstutsuki and harvest chakra fruit become a otsutsuki and God. He also has a complete knowledge about karma and how karma works and how it effect the karma user and karma user gets his rapid growth in strength and ability whenever karma activated. How powerful code is ? His speciality is his claw mark where he can travel through them to wherever he marked and he is als

Boruto: Naruto next geration manga Chapter 62 Released and Things we must observe !

Ever since the release of chapter 61 there are many theories are created on what is going to happen in chapter 62. Here we are that he boruto naruto next generation mang chapter 62 is officially released.

With the release of chapter 62, there are some things to observe...

when kawaki is on his way to breaking out from the village, kawaki managed to fool Konoha village's sensory system by using the doppelganger. But Eida traces kawaki chakra without any hesitation leaving the doppelganger chakra. With this, we can think about how powerful Eida is in sensing nature. it looks like naruto's senses are also gotten weak after the Kurama was gone.

in chapter 60 when shikadai told how the sensory system works in Konoha to kawaki he told that no two people have the same chakra,

In chapter 61 when Sasuke told if I am the code, I will not arrive in this place, he is likely to arrive in the next chapter, when his student boruto and his brother kawaki fighting with code. it would be the first battle for Sasuke after he lost his Rinnegan.

Like boruto told in chapter 62 they can catch them by sensing the boruto chakra all the way.

Ever since kawaki karma is gone he is no longer looking like a powerful like kawaki one who we used to see. Maybe after the fight with code, he might be thinking about getting new karma. Even code himself said to kawaki that "you are surprisingly excluded from my list". His love for our beloved Hokage and Konoha made him think again about getting karma. even Amado has plans to give kawaki another karma.

In this chapter 62, it was code that gave kawaki an idea of how to save people of Konoha and  especially Naruto "unless you escape to another dimension everyone and everything will die"

Again, it is going to be boruto excellence in a fight against the code, and kawaki has been beaten badly by code. he even about to give up against the code when code tries to take him to Eida. Without kawaki karma, we don't know how powerful he is and how much he has access to ishiki powers without karma.

Chapter62 perfect ending and a perfect setup for next month's chapter perfectly, and since Chapter 63 will be the last chapter to conclude Volume16 of boruto naruto's next generation, it’s bound to be great.


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